What is and Who’s Who in the NCAC
The Neskowin Citizen Advisory Committee is an advisory body to local, state and federal government agencies and citizens. The NCAC is an all volunteer organization dedicated to promoting communications between the citizens and government bodies on land use and other relevant community issues.
Current Officers and Their Roles:
Chair: Mark Everett
1. Conducts Neskowin CAC meetings
2. Is spokesperson in official capacity for the Neskowin CAC
3. Coordinates Officers' actions
4. Selects representatives to attend meetings and hearings
5. Appoints committee members and coordinates activities of all standing committees
6. Sets the Agenda items, in consultation with the Officers.
Vice-Chair: Alex Clark
Serves as Acting Chair in the absence of the Chair
Assists the Chair at the Chair's request
Secretary: Gary Billingsley
1. Records minutes of the meetings
2. Makes copies of all meeting minutes available to all members as soon as possible
3. Maintains public records of the NCAC, including but not limited to:
• Meeting attendance
• An email roster
• Minutes of the meetings
• General history of the NCAC • Files
• Maps
• By-Laws
• And other related public documents
4. Maintains list of all committees and members
5. Relays relevant postal mail to the appropriate officer or committee chairperson
6. Prepares agenda and mailings in coordination with the other officers
7. Sends out all agendas and mailing via email, and through the NCAC website
8. Posts meeting notices on the website and at a minimum of three prominent locations in the District.
Treasurer: Chris Silkowski
1. Receives and deposits funds of the NCAC in a timely manner in accordance with Officers' directions
2. Prepares Accounts Payable for approval at scheduled meetings
3. Maintains Financial Records and reports at scheduled meetings
4. Ensures that two Officers follow requirement to sign all NCAC Checks
5. Prepares annual budget for approval by members at the Annual Meeting
6. Presents an annual financial report
7. Community Plan Co-Chair
*This page is still under development and will soon list the other volunteer community members who are participating in the NCAC
If you have any questions please see the FAQ page HERE or if you have any comments or suggestions,
please feel free to contact the NCAC Officers at info@neskowincac.org