Frequently Asked Questions
What is Neskowin Citizen Advisory Committee (NCAC)?
The Neskowin Citizen Advisory Committee is an advisory body to local, state and federal government agencies and citizens. The Neskowin Citizen CAC is dedicated to promoting communications between the citizens and government bodies on land use and other relevant issues.
Who can be a member?
Membership is free and open to all legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years old and who reside in, own property in, or are a business owner or operator within the NCAC’s area of responsibility. A copy of the By-Laws, meeting notes and agendas, and other relevant documents shall be available to each member and shall also be posted on the NCAC website. Click HERE for the Bylaws.
Membership in the NCAC extends full rights of participation, including the right of voting in NCAC meetings. A member must sign the attendance sheet at each meeting in which the member votes. Contributions will always be encouraged. Contributions and fund raising activities will be used to offset the operating costs of the NCAC.
What is the Mission Statement?
Adopted February 3, 2018
The Neskowin CAC is a group of citizens organized under Statewide Planning Goal 1 (adopted by the State Land Conservation and Development Commission on Dec. 27, 1974, effective Jan. 1, 1975) as an advisory body to local, state, and federal government agencies and citizens. The Neskowin CAC is dedicated to promoting communications between the citizens and government bodies on land use and other relevant issues, and operates pursuant to Order #13-034 as adopted by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners on May 1, 2013.
How do I get on the emailing list?
Register HERE to receive email notifications of meetings, survey and Informational Town Hall notices.
Who are our current officers and how do we contact them?
Please click HERE for the About page showing the current NCAC Officers and contact information
The Neskowin Citizen Advisory Committee is organized as a public body as defined by the Oregon Public Meeting Law.
The primary role of the Officers is to facilitate the achievement of the mission of the Neskowin CAC.
Officers shall serve staggered two-year terms from July 1 to June 30. At the first election of officers, the Vice-Chair and Treasurer shall be elected for a one-year term. At the second election for the Vice-Chair and Treasurer, the terms will commence for two years. No Officers of the CAC shall receive any financial payment for their services. Officers may, with membership approval, be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Neskowin CAC.
When are elections?
Officers shall serve staggered two-year terms from July 1 to June 30. At the first election of officers, the Vice-Chair and Treasurer shall be elected for a one-year term. At the second election for the Vice-Chair and Treasurer, the terms will commence for two years.
What are the Bylaws?
The rules and regulations enacted by an association or a corporation to provide a framework for its operation and management.
Bylaws may specify the qualifications, rights, and liabilities of membership, and the powers, duties, and grounds for the dissolution of an organization.
Please click HERE for the NCAC Bylaws