The Neskowin Community Plan
In coordination with the Tillamook County Planning Office, the Neskowin Citizen Advisory Committee (NCAC) and its members have been tasked with facilitating an update to the Neskowin Community Plan (see current plan HERE)
This plan was last revised in 1999
The NCAC Committee and community volunteers have embarked on a four phase process to revise our Community Plan
The revised plan is expected to be completed in 2024
Please review the phases below and get involved!
Please click HERE to go to a page containing all the recorded NCAC Informational Town Hall Videos
Please sign up HERE to receive the latest information and updates about NCAC activities to your email inbox. You can contact the NCAC at info@neskowincac.org
Phases for Updating the Neskowin Community Plan
Phase 1: Education and Survey Development
December 2019 - May 2022
Provide information to the community and have a discussion on what Neskowin has now .
Outline Oregon State’s 19 Land Use Goals (see HERE) and how they relate to local Land Use Ordinances and Standards so that our community can understand how their recommendations will be referred to by the County, State and Federal agencies in Land Use applications in our community.
Conduct 19-22 Informational Town Halls to discuss Land Use and seed an open discussion to better understand specific local applications of Land Use Goals (see Town Halls HERE).
Develop survey questions related to Land Use Goals and their relation to Community interests and concerns.
Develop database of Community stakeholders and do the outreach required to engage stakeholders in Community Plan process.
Phase 2: Survey Administration, Data Collection and Analysis
June 2022 - Jan 2023
Collect new ideas and discuss them as a community.
Distribute and collect surveys and distill the Town Hall conversations to identify community driven changes pertaining to Land Use ordinances and standards.
Engage stakeholders in rating each recommendation and develop consensus-based value statements within the suggested revisions to the Community Plan.
Provide a report to County Development Office to obtain their feedback.
Phase 3: Writing the First Draft of the Community Plan
February 2023 - July 2023
Send collective recommendations to the County.
Work with the County on getting suggested Community Plan revisions integrated into clear form that includes recommendations for Neskowin Community regarding Land Use Ordinances and Standards that the County can use when making future rulings on Land Use Planning in Neskowin Community.
Phase 4: Citizen input to the first draft and finalization with County
August 2023 - May 2024
Collective recommendations delivered to and negotiated with the County.
Work with the County to finalize recommendations for Neskowin Community Plan regarding Land Use Ordinances and Standards that the County can use when making future rulings on Land Use Planning in Neskowin Community.
Here is a slideshow presentation by the Tillamook County Planning Office explaining
Goals 1 and 2 or Oregon State’s Land Use Planning Goals
Note: Use the controls at the bottom of the slide window to scroll through the slides
Click HERE for the State’s webpage for all 19 Land Use Planning Goals