When: May 11, 2024 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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The NCAC Bylaws Subcommittee hereby submits its proposed bylaws revision for consideration and adoption by the membership. The Bylaws Subcommittee has compiled a packet of information that includes the complete text of the proposed bylaws along with extensive supplementary materials.
View the Proposed Bylaws Packet
The proposed bylaws are a complete revision from and replacement of the currently-approved bylaws, and have been developed over the past nine months with much input from the community through meetings, feedback sessions, emails, and phone calls.
The bylaws revision has received approval from Tillamook County Counsel with the exception of Article 4, Section A.4, which is still under review and concerns how the Treasurer makes payments on behalf of the NCAC. If County Counsel requires any changes to this item, these will be incorporated into the proposed bylaws during the May 11th meeting via the appropriate parliamentary procedures.
During the meeting, NCAC members may offer amendments to the proposed bylaws during using parliamentary procedures. Please note that any any successful amendments must be approved by County Counsel. If you plan to propose an amendment, please join the meeting early, at 9:40am, for a training in the relevant parliamentary procedures. The parliamentarian will also assist with any motions to amend during the meeting. To facilitate the smooth conduct of the meeting, the Subcommittee requests that proposed amendments be submitted to them in advance via email to ncacbylaws@gmail.com by Wednesday, May 8th.
Should you have questions or comments, please contact the Subcommittee at ncacbylaws@gmail.com.