Goals 3 & 4
Agriculture and Forests
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When: Oct 26, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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This town hall will present information and expert knowledge on State Land Use Planning Goals 3 & 4: Agricultural and Forest Lands
Panelists will include:
Hilary Foote - Farm/Forest Lands Specialist, Department of Land Conservation and Development
Jim Johnson - Land Use & Water Planning Coordinator, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Sarah Absher - Tillamook County Planning Director
Chuck Willer - Executive Director, Coast Range Association
Goal 3: Agricultural Lands and Goal 4: Forest Lands
Goal 3 Summary:
“To preserve and maintain agricultural lands.”
Agricultural lands shall be preserved and maintained for farm use, consistent with existing and future needs for agricultural products, forest, and open space;
Counties may authorize farm uses and those nonfarm uses that will not have significant adverse effects on accepted farm or forest practices;
Urban growth shall be separated from agricultural lands by buffer or transitional areas of open space;
Plans for the preservation of farmland should consider the carrying capacity of the air, land, and water resources of the planning area;
Extension of services such as sewer and water supplies into rural areas should be appropriate for the needs of agriculture, farm use and non-farm uses;
Forest and open space uses should be permitted on agricultural land that is being preserved for future agricultural growth.
Goal 4 Summary:
“To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and to protect the state’s forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound management of soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture.”
Uses allowed shall include (1) uses related to and in support of forest operations; (2) uses to conserve soil, water, and air quality, and to provide for fish and wildlife resources, agriculture and recreational opportunities appropriate in a forest environment; (3) locationally dependent uses; and (4) dwellings authorized law;
Comprehensive plans and zoning provide certainty to assure that forest lands will be available now and in the future for the growing and harvesting of trees;
Zoning applied to forest lands shall contain provisions that limit uses which can have significant adverse effects on forest land, operations, or practices;
Comprehensive plans should consider other land uses that are adjacent to forest lands so that conflicts with forest harvest and management are avoided.
Neskowin’s Response to Goals 3 & 4 in its 1999 Community Plan:
“Neskowin has retained its current levels of agricultural and forest lands in this Community Plan by not revising resource land designations, particularly with regard to the buffer surrounding the Community Growth Boundary”
Example Questions / Topics for Panelists:
1. What do Neskowin citizens need to know about goals 3 & 4?
2. How do these goals impact us and why do we care about them?
3. How are we positioned to better understand the value of agricultural and forest lands relative to development, when they seem to be diminishing or consolidating over time?
4. What mechanisms of influence does the community have over rezoning of farm and forest land for development (relative to our community plan)?
5. What can our community do to protect its buffering land and watershed?
6. What type of questions would we expect to see on a survey?